Hello, World!
Hello, World!
Or to whomever might be reading this entry. My personal website used to be hosted in a VM in Digital Ocean (DO), where I used to pay around 10 USD a month to have it running. Mainly because DO was the first public cloud I used for personal projects, but now I’m entering in a stage where I want to spend the least possible amount of mony in every side project I ever make.
I won’t be bothering moving my single post from that Ghost-based blog into this one. A lot of stuff has happened since that post back then in 2019, which coincidentally is almost one year from this same post. I don’t know why October is the month where I go back to writing, particularly in a blog-like format.
Anyways, this is just the first post of hopefully a more frequent publishing (at least 5th time in my life writing this same sentence), but I still need to define what would be a good topic that doesn’t involve writing lengthy tutorials. Maybe I’ll focus on general opinions (which obviously are my own and doesn’t reflect my employer’s in any way).
At least it’s cool that I won’t be spending more money in DO, and have GitHub (GH) host my site for free, I know only need to worry about keeping my YNAB Domain Renewal category with some monthly amount to keep the domain up.
Another cool thing is to write directly in vim and in Markdown, and let this jekyll gem do most of the formatting for me.
Just to try out the highlighting, below is a Rust snippet from my latest endeavour in learning Rust. I still don’t have a purpose for it, other than running it in a serverless backend and build on top of that. I’m really interested in building with serverless to have costs as low a possible.
fn main() {
println!("Hello, World!");
Anyways, thanks for reading this Worldly post.